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It shall be the principle of this State Building and Construction Trades Council to uphold the bonafide Trade Union movement as promulgated by the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, the Building and Construction Trades Department and its various affiliated Internationals, and we are unalterably opposed individually and collectively to any movement of seditious nature against the principles of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, the Building and Construction Trades Department or its various affiliated International Unions.


Whereas, it has been called to the attention of the Building Trades Craftsmen of the various International Unions in the State of Missouri that by maintenance of a militant State Building and Construction Trades Council, the Building Trades Craftsman of Missouri can combine the strength of the various Local Unions in the State so that better results can be obtained through a Central Organization for the purpose of harmony and closer cooperation for the betterment of the Construction Trades Industry of the State; Whereas through a State Building and Construction Trades Council the Local Unions of the various Internationals in the State can be kept informed on all questions affecting their interests in the State.

Therefore, we the representatives of the various local unions in the State of Missouri, believe that it will be for the best interests of the various crafts to maintain a State Building and Construction Trades Council.

In order that we may obtain the desired results, we must put forth our best efforts not only to come in touch with one another but to perfect a better organization of the various crafts through the State.

Therefore, Be it Resolved that we appeal to all building craft unions that come within the jurisdiction of this Council to affiliate and put forth the effort of their unions and members to build and maintain a State Building and Construction Trades Council.

It shall be the principle of this State Building and Construction Trades Council to uphold the bonafide Trade Union movement as promulgated by the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, the Building and Construction Trades Department and its various affiliated Internationals, and we are unalterably opposed individually and collectively to any movement of seditious nature against the principles of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, the Building and Construction Trades Department or its various affiliated International Unions.


1. To encourage Building and Construction Trades Unions to affiliate with their local Building Trades Council.

2. To assist and cooperate with all bonafide labor organizations in order that we may present a solid front against injustice.

3. To urge the passage and enforcement of laws beneficial to Building Trades Unions.

4. To more thoroughly promote and implement the principle of Trade Unionism.

Page Last Updated: Nov 14, 2022 (10:36:30)
131 E High St
Jefferson City, MO 65101
  (573) 634-2115

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